How Much Does A Horse Weigh

How Much Does A Horse Weigh?

Too many people don’t seem to realize that what their pet eats is just as important as what they eat. But it’s especially crucial for horses, because there weight affects how they’re able to function. So if you want a happy horse, feed it right!

There is no common answer to the question “how much does a horse weigh?” but there are a few factors that may contribute to the answer. The average weight for your horse will depend on its breed, age, and more. Horses usually weigh between 900 and 2000 pounds. Read below for more info on weighing your horse.

How Much Does A Horse Weigh?

Horse, Portrait, Attentive, Bay, Brown, Animal, Equine

There are a variety of horse breeds, shapes, and sizes. This means the average weight varies. In general, the average-sized equine will weigh anywhere between 900-2,000 lbs. Bigger breeds of horses will weigh more than smaller ones.

For example, large horses fall between 1700-2000 pounds. Large horses include draft horses like Belgians and Percherons. Contrary to this, light animals such as Arabians or ponies usually weigh 900-1500 pounds.

Horse Breed Weight Chart

Horses, Animals, Field, Brown Horse, White Horse
Horse Breed Average Weight (lb)
American Warmblood1,212–1,322 lb
Arabian793–992 lb
Ardennes1,543–2,205 lb
Cleveland Bay1,212–1,543 lb
Clydesdale1,543–1,764 lb
Connemara Pony639–860 lb
Dales Pony882–1,102 lb
Dartmoor Pony441–705 lb
Dutch Warmblood1,212–1,322 lb
Eriskay Pony661–882 lb
Exmoor Pony661–882 lb
Fell Pony772–992 lb
Hackney882–1,212 lb
Hackney Pony551–772 lb
Haflinger772–1,322 lb
Hanoverian1,212–1,433 lb
Highland Pony1,102–1,322 lb
Holsteiner992–1,764 lb
Irish Draught1,322–1,764 lb
New Forest Pony507–728 lb
Percheron1,874–2,094 lb
Shetland Pony397–441 lb
Shire1,543–2,646 lb
Spotted Pony441–882 lb
Suffolk Punch1,653–1,984 lb
Swedish Warmblood882–1,212 lb
Thoroughbred992–1,102 lb
Welara661–882 lb
Westphalian992–1,322 lb

Source: Petkeen

Factors That Impact A Horse’s Weight

Horses, Meadow, Pasture, Animals, Haze, Morning Mist

Factors that contribute to a horse’s weight are the same as those that impact human weight. The amount of food eaten will largely determine the horse’s body and fat content. Most horses require 1.5% – 3% of their body weight in food each day.

As well, horses need regular exercise. They are designed to be physically active for most of the day. If your horse doesn’t get enough movement but still eats its recommended share of food, it will quickly become overweight, which can lead to health risks like joint soreness and insulin resistance

It may seem obvious, but one place to examine a horse’s weight is in the horse’s mouth. If they’re not eating, there might be something wrong with their teeth. If you suspect a sharp or impacted tooth, they may not be eating either. Give your horse a dental check-up if needed!

Since the season can impact a horse’s weight, it’s worth noting that they typically lose a little bit of weight in winter and gain it back in the summer time. That is because horses eat more in the summer when there are more resources available and because their natural environment is warmer.

In the winter, foragers typically eat less food and thus need more calories. Less weight is often observed in these animals under low-nutrient conditions.

How Can I Find Out How Much My Horse Weighs?

Horse weight is influenced by a number of factors. If you want the most accurate measurement, your best move would be to use a special equestrian scale. Like humans, their weight varies from one to another and it’s necessary to properly measure this weight before any medical intervention is started.

Please contact a veterinarian with an equestrian scale if you know of one. They may be able to help you weigh your horse.

If you’re not able to use a scale, you can still figure out your horse’s weight with other techniques as well. You won’t be as accurate but it should be close enough to give you a good idea of how much your horse weighs.


A weighbridge is a system of scales and levers that is used to measure the weight of large transports like train cars and tractor-trailers. The easiest and most accurate way to know your horse’s weight is by taking it on top of the weighbridge, though not all are equipped with them

Weight Tape

To measure a horse’s weight with a weight tape, you first need to wrap the horse at its girth. Doing this will give you an estimate of how much it weighs.

The main downside of using a weight tape to measure your horse’s body condition score is that it only works for the “typical” breed. If your horse is significantly larger or smaller than other horses in their breed, you may not get a reliable result.

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