Category: Blog

  • 200+ Duck Names Ideas for Adorable Ducks

    200+ Duck Names Ideas for Adorable Ducks

    You may want to reconsider adopting a duck as your pet – it is true that ducks are an enjoyable addition to bath time, but they’re not considered “house pets” and need a lot of space! If you find a pet duck in your yard, then it is likely one of them has wandered into…

  • Can Dogs Eat Broccoli? Is Broccoli Safe For Dogs?

    Can Dogs Eat Broccoli? Is Broccoli Safe For Dogs?

    Can Dogs eat Broccoli? The short answer is yes, it is safe for dogs to eat Broccoli as it contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C, and low-fat content. Dogs should only be given Broccoli as a treat because they are high in isothiocyanates that can cause mild-to to potential health issues in dogs. What…

  • 100+ Cute Rat Names Ideas

    100+ Cute Rat Names Ideas

    Rats make great pets! They’re intelligent, happy, and loyal. You can train & teach them and they can be receptive to commands & tricks if you persistently train them. Although they might not seem like the average pet at first, owners can bring them out with them when they go in public and even carry…

  • The 5 Pet Monkey Breeds

    The 5 Pet Monkey Breeds

    It is hard to deny the allure of owning a pet monkey, and it often looks like an amazing experience. But what’s behind the curtain isn’t always so pretty. These creatures typically require a lot of care and space. Many species can become aggressive or violent, even after years of peaceful cohabitation. Still, there are…

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries? Are Strawberries Safe for Guinea Pigs?

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries? Are Strawberries Safe for Guinea Pigs?

    You probably know this already, but strawberries are a popular fruit. They’re rich in vitamins and taste so sweet you could eat the whole tray with no problem. However, they’re also among the most perfect fruits on earth for your guinea pigs! Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries? The short answer is Yes! Strawberries contain great…

  • Are axolotls nice pets?

    Are axolotls nice pets?

    Axolotls, or Mexican walking fish, are unique creatures to own as pets. They’re endearing with their big smile and the fact that they can swim underwater too! Axolotls come in many different colors, including whites, reds, greens, browns and blues. Since these amphibians aren’t really big swimmers they instead usually stay on the bottom of…

  • How Much Does A Horse Weigh?

    How Much Does A Horse Weigh?

    Too many people don’t seem to realize that what their pet eats is just as important as what they eat. But it’s especially crucial for horses, because there weight affects how they’re able to function. So if you want a happy horse, feed it right! There is no common answer to the question “how much…

  • Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers? Are Cucumbers Good For Dogs?

    Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers? Are Cucumbers Good For Dogs?

    Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers? The quick answer is yes. If a dog accidentally takes a bite, or if you want to give your pet a healthful snack, then cucumbers are safe for dogs to eat. Humans can eat them–so it’s not toxic for dogs. Cucumbers are an excellent healthy treat for dogs. Just make sure…

  • Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? Is Shrimp Safe For Dogs?

    Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? Is Shrimp Safe For Dogs?

    Can dogs eat shrimp? The quick answer is yes. They might look like a good meal when your mouth is watering for one but consider that the side effects of sushi are not always pleasant. Take care to make sure that your dog is safe and wholesome by not feeding them shrimp. Dogs can and…

  • Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Safe For Dogs?

    Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Safe For Dogs?

    Can dogs eat turkey? Yes, dogs can eat turkey. Plain white meat turkey without bones should usually be a safe one to try out and ask your vet first before indulging in anything else. Feeding your dog with turkey should be done in moderation and shouldn’t be given on a daily basis. Here are some…