Category: Birds

  • How long do parakeets live? Domestic and wild parrots

    How long do parakeets live? Domestic and wild parrots

    Parakeets, also known as budgerigars or budgies, are small, social birds that are popular as pets around the world. One question that many potential parakeet owners often ask is, “How long do parakeets live?” The answer to this question can vary depending on a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, living conditions, and the level…

  • White Peacocks Facts And Their Pictures

    White Peacocks Facts And Their Pictures

    One of the most commonly seen peacocks is known as the White Peacock. These birds can be found in gorgeous display of colors, with their elegant plumage and dazzling colors. These animals are charming, but not all peacocks come with this unique coat pattern. And thus, White Peacocks are not albinos either. Albinos have a…

  • Why Do My Budgies Fight?

    Why Do My Budgies Fight?

    Budgies can sometimes be more independent than other birds, but they share their space well with others. Keep an eye on them and give them plenty of attention so that they do not get restless. Increasing stress on the birds due to too much fighting can negatively impact their health in the long run. Establishing…

  • Signs of Parakeet Molting

    Signs of Parakeet Molting

    Molting is the process of shedding old feathers and growing new ones to replace them. It’s normal for birds to molt, including parakeets. As a bird owner, it’s always important to watch your parakeet. The most obvious sign that they are molting is that they look ragged and seem to be dropping a lot of…

  • Parakeet Nesting Behavior

    Parakeet Nesting Behavior

    Some parakeets change the way they act when it comes time for nesting. This is because the mating season starts with spring, and it’s common for animals to start preparing before they need to. This nesting behavior usually only happens once a year of a sexually mature parakeet. Knowing the signs of nesting behavior will…

  • Why Do Parrots Die Suddenly?

    Why Do Parrots Die Suddenly?

    Parrots are intelligent birds who make excellent pets if you’re willing to properly care for them. However, like any other animal, they can die from ingesting toxic materials, extreme emotional distress or an undiagnosed illness. There are hundreds of different species of parrots with a variety of colors, sizes, and personalities. You can choose how…

  • 15 Best Types of Parrot Birds to Keep as Pets

    15 Best Types of Parrot Birds to Keep as Pets

    Despite the common misconception, not all birds make good pets. When many people think of striving to adopt a pet bird, they typically think of parrots. However, only a few species are known to be intelligent enough to learn and understand human language with ease. Parrots come in all different shapes & sizes! Some may…